Porcelain Veneers at Today’s Dentistry in Gibsonia, PA

A dental veneer is essentially a thin cover for a tooth.

Dental veneers are thin porcelain shells that bond directly to the front surface of your teeth. They’re appropriate for discolored teeth that do not respond well to whitening procedures; chipped, broken, or worn down teeth; misaligned, crooked, or uneven teeth; and teeth with gaps or disproportionate shape.

Made of porcelain and crafted in a dental lab, veneers offer a more natural look with structural integrity. Custom slightly-translucent finished veneers will last for many years with proper maintenance.

What to Expect at Your Veneers Appointment

  • At your first appointment, a model of your teeth will be created and sent to the lab.
  • The second appointment involves numbing of the tooth and surrounding area.
  • Next, the veneer will be placed on the front surface of your tooth with a special dental bonding agent.

Schedule an Appointment

Restore the form and function of your teeth with Gibsonia’s favorite dentist, Dr. Matthew LaNeve at Today’s Dentistry! Call (724) 443-1300.